Victoria is a 14-year-old girl currently living in Chicago, USA. She has been receiving Korean herbal treatment for autism at Dr. Tomato for a year and a half. I want to share this touching story of Victoria with her mother’s permission.
Before Victoria started to take Korean herbal treatment for autism, she received traditional intensive care for 6-7 years with ABA and speech therapy for severe speechless autism.
She rarely used language spontaneously and could only express herself in one-word requests when asked. Back-and-forth interaction and learning did not occur meaningfully, and her mother said she thought Victoria might be ‘intellectually handicapped. But her parents hoped that Victoria would improve even a little, so they decided to get her Korean herbal medicine for autism treatment when she was 12.
Even though her age is a kind of barrier, I thought she could get better as she was able to use at least a bit of language. As expected, Victoria gradually improved as I proceeded with her treatment.
Now, her family is amazed at her ongoing affectionate interactions. Although her language has improved a lot, she still has difficulty with pronunciation. So she uses a letter board, and the ‘Interaction with language’ is continuously developing by making sentences using a letter board and pronouncing them while looking at them.
Victoria is no longer an isolated child with autism but enjoys interacting and sharing emotions. She is growing into an interactive and emotional girl.
Victoria’s amazing changes doesn’t end here. In fact, the more surprising and touching story is from now on.
Once communication became possible, we could confirm that Victoria’s cognitive and linguistic levels were remarkably consistent with those of her age. More precisely, they were surpassing their peers.
What is even more surprising is that her mathematical ability is at a much higher level than her peers. She had an understanding of complex arithmetic operations, as well as equations and functions.
The clinic has repeatedly taught her simple math like 3+2. Imagine how painful would that have been for this little girl. I believe that children with autism are potentially gifted with above-average intelligence.
Below is the sentence from e-mail from Victoria’s mother. I want to share her email below link. And particularly I hope we all ponder Victoria’s self-defining sentence about autism at the end of the email. It is an opportunity to think about what we have been demanding from the children with autism and how they feel about it.
❝A bad body with a smart idea.
Too many people see it as not smart.
They are making life not happy for kids.❞
– Victoria –
Full text of E-Mail from Victoria’s mother to Dr. Tomato with many thanks,
(We would like to thank Victoria’s mother for allowing us to share her precious personal story and sincerely hope all respect the story.)